What is Respect for the Aged Day?


What is Respect for the Aged Day?

Respect for the Aged Day is a day to honor the elderly who have contributed to society for a long time and to celebrate their longevity. By law, it is a day to "respect and love the elderly who have contributed to society for many years and celebrate their longevity." It is one of Japan's national holidays, and is held every year on the third Monday of September. On this day, families often gather together to visit grandparents and parents, have meals together, and give presents to them.

When this year?

This year's Respect for the Aged Day will be Monday, September 16, 2024.

It would be nice to enjoy fresh fish and dishes made with rare ingredients from the sea together, or to give them a gift related to the sea. Why not make your precious grandparents happy this year by preparing a gift that lets them feel the blessings of the sea?

Origin of Respect for the Aged Day

Respect for the Aged Day is a national holiday in Japan established to honor the elderly and celebrate their longevity. The origins of this day date back to a small village in Hyogo Prefecture.

1. Origin

Nomadani Village, Taka District, Hyogo Prefecture (present-day Taka Town)
It began in 1947 as "Senior Citizens' Day" in Nomadani Village, Taka District, Hyogo Prefecture. It began when Kadowaki Masao, the village mayor at the time, suggested, "Let's value the elderly and use their wisdom to develop our village." The villagers set aside this day in mid-September, during the farming off-season, to respect the elderly and show their gratitude to the elderly who have worked hard for the development of the community. This "Senior Citizens' Day" became established as a village event and eventually spread to other areas.

2. Spreading Nationwide

"Senior Citizens' Day" struck a chord with many in Japan, where there is a culture of respecting the elderly in local communities, and similar events began to be held all over the country. The idea of ​​honoring the elderly and respecting their experience and wisdom was supported throughout society.

3. Established as a national holiday

Following this trend, "Respect for the Aged Day" was officially established as a national holiday in 1966. The government designated September 15th as Respect for the Aged Day, a day to respect the elderly and celebrate their longevity. On this day, families and communities could come together to show their gratitude to the elderly.

4. Change of Date

In 2003, with the introduction of the Happy Monday System, Respect for the Aged Day was changed to the third Monday of September every year. This change has led to many three-day weekends, giving families more time to relax together. Many people visit their grandparents and parents, eat meals together, and give presents, providing a good opportunity to deepen family ties.

5. The Significance of Respect for the Aged Day

Respect for the Aged Day is a day to honor the elderly who have contributed to society for a long time, and to thank them for their efforts and experience. Fishermen in particular have worked at sea for many years, supporting their families. This day is a good opportunity to express gratitude to such fishermen grandparents. It would be nice to enjoy dishes made with fresh fish and rare ingredients caught in the sea together, and to give them gifts related to the sea.


Respect for the Aged Day is a holiday that started in rural areas and has spread across the country, providing a wonderful opportunity for families and communities to show respect and appreciation for older people.