Salmon is also a lucky fish! A fish that grows in rank, brings prosperity to descendants, and keeps you healthy?

Hello everyone!
Salmon is always ranked high on the list of favorite fish.
I think many of you studied the textbook "How Salmon Grow" when you were in elementary school or when your children were in elementary school. Is it just me? (laughs)
Well, as the title says, salmon is not "celebratory" but "celebratory salmon"! (laughs)
This time I would like to introduce you to salmon.
First of all, salmon have a very unique growth process. The young fish hatch from eggs, travel from the river to the sea, grow big, and then return to the river where they were born. The way they survive this harsh environment and return fully grown is what makes them known as "fish that rise to success," unlike yellowtail. Their life cycle is like a miniature version of life, and is inspiring for both children and adults.
Salmon has long been known in Japan as an auspicious fish. As salmon give birth to many young, it is associated with prosperity of descendants, and also with avoiding disasters and obstacles (sakeru), so it is generally considered to be an auspicious fish. It is particularly indispensable at New Year's and other celebratory occasions. The red and white coloring of salmon is considered auspicious, and it is beloved as a symbol of wishing for good health and safety for the family.
Salmon is used in a variety of dishes, such as "konbumaki" and "shioyaki," which are indispensable in osechi cuisine, and its deliciousness is another reason why it is loved by everyone. And salmon's high nutritional value cannot be overlooked. Salmon is rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which are very useful for maintaining good health. By incorporating salmon into your daily diet, you can expect great health benefits.
Salmon is delicious, nutritious, and auspicious - it's a truly wonderful fish. Why not choose salmon the next time you go shopping? It's sure to bring smiles and health to your dinner table!
Salmon Leather Collection
Ocean Leather currently offers a variety of products made from salmon leather.
The salmon leather scales are smaller than those of red sea bream, but larger than those of yellowtail or dolphin fish. They are medium-sized and have a very luxurious appearance. Take this opportunity to find one that catches your eye!
Ocean Leather