RKC was featured on Kochi Broadcasting's "The Vivid Vividness of the Bibiru Tree! Eigayanaiga at Tosa Heritage Site!" [2022/02/24]

On February 24th (Thursday), Ocean Leather was featured on RKC Kochi Broadcasting's "Bibiru Oki's Bibit Bibiru! Tosa Heritage De Eigayaniga!"
Mr. Bibiru Oki has been recognized as a ``Tosa Heritage'' due to his bias and bias.
Youtuber "Chagamaran" came to interview us and introduced us to the charm of fish leather in a fun way!
Has Ocean Leather been successfully ``Tosa Certified''?
You can also watch “Vivid Viviru Oki’s Vivid Viviru!! Tosa Heritage and Eigayaniga!” on TVer!
Ocean Leather