Featured in the "Shikoku Sparkling Companies" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Shikoku Industrial Bureau! [2022/05/23]

経済産業省四国産業局の「四国発信 きらめき企業」に掲載されました!  - Ocean Leather
Hello everyone!
The Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, which helped us out by holding a regular press conference in the past, has a page on their website called "Sparkling Companies from Shikoku" that introduces energetic companies that are shining brightly in Shikoku.

This time, Koyo Freeze Co., Ltd. and Ocean Leather were introduced, as they provide fish skins and scales that would normally be discarded.

Thank you to everyone at the Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry.
For more information, please see this page. → https://www.shikoku.meti.go.jp/company/015/015.html
Ocean Leather